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Articles and resources covering leave management, employee time and attendance, absence management and more.


Scheduling and Vacation Time for Exempt Employees

vacation time for exempt employees

Here at CaptureLeave, we offer vacation tracking software solutions for small and mid-sized organizations. A big area of discussion we frequently hear about when talking with our clients is how to manage time off scheduling and other similar issues for exempt employees. The following provides an overview of what exempt employees are, and what employers should know, especially as it vacation time for exempt employees.  Read more ›

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Vacation Tracking and Scheduling Tips for Customer Service Businesses

leave tracker

In the following post, we discuss some of the challenges of managing customer service employees, and in particular how to deal with scheduling, vacation tracking, and leave management for these employees. Many of the challenges of dealing with customer service employees’ schedules can be effectively tackled with the use of a leave tracker or leave management system. Read more ›

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Vacation Time and the American Worker

vacation time

The State of American Vacation Time

Project: Time Off is an organization that looks at American workers and how they’re offered time off, as well as how they use it. According to their State of the American Vacation 2018 report, there have been some changes in how Americans are viewing and using vacation time. Read more ›

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What to Know About Labor Forecasting and How A Leave Tracker Helps

labor forecasting

Small and mid-sized business leaders might be so focused on the day-to-day operations that they forget to be more strategic in how they do things. One area where not enough small businesses focus is on labor and demand forecasting. Read more ›

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What Employers Should Know About Accrued Vacation Time Payouts

accrued vacation time

Vacation Time in America

When it comes to vacation time and more specifically, accrued vacation time, a lot of employees don’t use what’s available to them. Many employers offer accrued paid vacation time, but for whatever reason, U.S. employees are reluctant to use what they earn. Read more ›

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Dealing with Employee Absenteeism—and How an Attendance Management System Helps

attendance management system

There are one of two extremes that can occur when it comes to managing employee time off and absences, as well as using an attendance management system. On the one hand, an increasing number of companies are worried about employees not taking any of their allowed vacation time. This tends to happen primarily in very competitive companies, such as organizations in the tech industry. Even though employees might have vacation time available to them, and in some cases even unlimited paid time off, they’re not taking it. They feel the culture of their company doesn’t allow for it, no matter what the technical rules say. This has led some businesses to enact mandatory time off. Read more ›

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