Our Blog

Articles and resources covering leave management, employee time and attendance, absence management and more.

Author: Sherman Morrison

Top 10 Reasons Managing Leave Time Online Makes Sense

You might be surprised to find out how many companies are still managing leave time using a combination of paper forms and Excel

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Top 5 Headaches of Managing Time Off

Human resources professionals have a lot on their plate no matter what the industry or field of their company. Hiring, firing, compliance, payroll,

Limiting Unlimited PTO

As explained in previous articles throughout this blog, PTO is a concept that has been gaining traction for years in the business community.

Vacation Time’s True Cost to Your Company

Every business is all too aware of how paid vacation time represents a cost to the company in terms of lost productivity. But

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Upcoming Leave Laws in 2019 and Beyond

The year is nearly over, which means now is the time to look ahead to see what’s on the horizon in 2019 in

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Is the Four Day Week Finally Catching On?

Most workers are familiar with the sense of anticipation that comes towards the end of the work week when you’re feeling tired and

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