Our Blog

Articles and resources covering leave management, employee time and attendance, absence management and more.

Month: April 2018
vacation time

Are There Laws for Employee Vacation Time?

There are plenty of benefits to a company using an automated vacation tracker or leave tracker system. One of the biggest is that

managing part-time employees

Managing Part-Time Employees

Here at CaptureLeave, we work with a lot of organizations that want a leave tracker or attendance management system to help them with

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leave tracker

How To Make Your Small Business More Efficient

Small businesses have unique opportunities that might not have been available to them in the past, thanks in large part to technology. Small

leave tracker

Using a Leave Tracker to Eliminate Scheduling Conflicts

The Impact of Scheduling Conflicts Scheduling conflicts can be eliminated through the use of a leave tracker, which we’ll get into more below,

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paid vacation

PTO vs. Vacation Time: How Do They Compare?

When a company is implementing a new leave tracker or attendance management system, they might also consider re-evaluating how they manage employee time

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Do Small Businesses Need Attendance Management Systems?

There is a tendency in small businesses to think that the newest technology isn’t necessarily needed, like attendance management systems or leave trackers.